Face Reading in Fort Collins, CO

What is Face Reading?

Face Reading is a valuable and amazing experience to have done as well as to learn about. By reading the lines, expressions, markings, face shapes, colors and Shen (spirit) it gives insight to a person’s patterns, inherited talents and abilities and which side of the family they come from, personality, the public and private sides of their life and if the two are congruent, the health of the body and where support is needed, when and where patterns show up and how to reverse them. It can be life changing as well as validating in revealing a person’s past, present and future selves and the way it is shown on the face. It awakens the spirit inside and connects a person to their true self (original face) and shows what their blocks, traumas, and fears are and what can be done to heal them, move forward in the world and be on their Golden Path.

Face Reading in Fort Collins, CO with Ann Bibbey

By bringing awareness to certain aspects that show on the face, a person is able to release the emotional pieces through healing and doing the inner work, hence wrinkles will dissipate or disappear and lines as well as markings will change. In addition, a person can shift the health of their body by knowing the health of their organs which also shows on the face. This can be supported with proper nutrition and changes in lifestyle as well as working through the emotions associated with a particular organ or organs.

Subsequent and periodic Face Readings will show a person’s progress and the shifts they have made along the way.

Face Reading in Fort Collins, CO with Ann Bibbey

Face Reading is a remarkable tool that can be used in any profession that is of service to other people. It can be used for team building, match making, staff placement within a small company or a large corporation. Professions such as counselors, doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, public service people, therapists, human resources, acupuncturists, estheticians, police officers, case managers, all health and beauty industries, healers and many other professions! It enhances a person’s ability to read a person on so many levels.

Ann offers individual Face Readings and Golden Path Readings as well as teaches workshops on Face Reading. These teachings are derived from Master Face Reader, Lillian Bridges.

Why Reiki?

Why Reiki : Ann Bibbey BlogYou have heard of it, the mysterious training called Reiki. And curiosity piques your interest, ‘How does it work? Will I change if I become schooled in its attunements? What is happening when I receive a session, or even give one?’ And the questions go on and on…

This is because from the earliest writings about human beings, and their health, the existence of the subtle energy of the universe and the subtle energies of the human body stand as a statement that we are much more than what meets the eye.

There are many reasons to take a Reiki I class and begin your journey, possibly eventually learn more, or even become a practitioner (there are three levels or degrees in this school of spirituality training and/or energy medicine, as well as a Teacher-Master level.) Your reason is the basis for your choice, but perhaps some inspiration will touch these desires here. The word itself is certainly compelling. The Japanese word is a combination of two concepts: rei-Spirit and ki-universal energy or breath and basically means Spirit in movement as consciousness or universal energy. While the formal system was developed in the early 1920s by Mikao Usui records date back to the 300 BCE era to this ‘inward training.’ So Why Reiki?

First of all, Reiki offers a systematized way to learn about, and work with, the energy that informs us and yet goes unseen. It is a way of getting to know ourselves and others, and can give understanding when we ‘sense’ or ‘intuit’ things to aid us. Generally speaking, the trains of thought around subtle energy hold that the physical part of who we are is the densest, and comes forward from the lighter energy. So to experience and understand the subtle energy would empower you to create a life with greater health and joy. Barbara Brennan, in her groundbreaking book, “Hands of Light,” states that all disease comes from beliefs, and the ways we respond or interact with these beliefs. All of this takes place in a dance between Life Force, and the assimilating subtle energy bodies, creating and leading to the physical bodies we claim as ‘us.’ In very simple terms, we can liken the physical body as the fruit of the rest of who we are.

Secondly, Reiki gives us a playground wherein we can help others, in any arena of our lives. It can be a developed skill, an education if you will, that forms us to be better listeners, or to grow confidence in our intuition as real and worthy of following, or even to use directly by the laying on of hands to channel Life Force to those that turn to you. In essence, Reiki enhances the intuition, raises our vibrations and develops or increases self-confidence in all areas of one’s life. It’s such a great tool for helping us deal with life’s situations in addition to the healing aspect which is a gift to use on ourselves, pets, plants and others.

A mystic, Teresa of Avila once said, ‘What if you entered a foreign country and everyone asked you, ‘where are you from? And what is your name?’ and you responded, ‘I, uh, don’t know where I am from and have no idea of my name.’ this sounds ridiculous, but it is a perfect example of how little we know our true selves.

Last, Reiki opens up new ways to connect to the universal Life Force. The more we remain open to Source, the more our lives are enriched in unexpected ways, the more synchronicity knocks upon our door, brightening our gratitude for being alive.

A schedule of Ann’s upcoming Reiki classes can always be found here.  Her next Reiki I class is scheduled for Saturday, February 21st, 2015 in Fort Collins, Colorado.  Click here to learn more or register.

Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Face Reading, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or a distance healing session, or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected].

Preparing for a Reiki Healing Session

Ways to prepare for a Reiki and Intuitive Healing Session
(applies to both in office and distance healing sessions)

Ann Bibbey Reiki Intuitive Healing Fort Collins Colorado & DIstance

The session is booked. You hold in your heart and mind the intentions for making the appointment, the hoped-for results or shifts. But how can you prepare yourself for the movement of ki (or energy?) As we all know receiving is not always easy, and though the Reiki treatment will work on deep levels no matter what state you are in, you can contribute to its effectiveness by preparing. In this way you participate in the movement of universal Source energy as it continually moves through the ‘you’ of your own energy.

Here are a few steps you can take to help prepare for your session:

1.)  From the time you booked the appointment, to its actual date, choose activities that cultivate calm and relaxation. Make a conscious effort to allow your body and mind to relax and be relaxed. Talk a walk, meditate, watch your breathing, light essential oils in your house, read an inspirational book or similar types of activities. When you choose calm, you allow yourself to open and let go of the hidden stressors that can cause contraction, and thus constrict the movement of energy within yourself.

2.)  Embrace what you are largely made of! That is, water. Drink water, flush the body, take a bath. Water is both a symbol, and physical example, of fluidity and we are mainly made up of this fluidity. Introduce more water into your day, imagine yourself floating in water, moving in the direction of peace, joy and freedom or feeling these qualities move within you.   Water is also about intuition. Being in dark watery places enhances intuition. Water is associated with the kidneys and of course our kidneys need to be hydrated. We use our kidney energy when tuning in to things (on a psychic level) and overall it’s an important part of intuition.

3.)  Clarify your personal intentions. Even though Reiki works with energy that is beyond us, it is very personal and holding clear intentions can help you receive insight, and release memory on a cellular level, besides it can add to your own eagerness to experience Reiki for all your heart’s desires.

4.)  Have fun. If you tend to be someone who takes yourself very seriously, lighten up, loosen up, dance around your house or skip from appointment to appointment (at least in your mind.) This creates movement, opens channels of ki and creates a sense of positive allowing. Go into your session with a playful spirit to enjoy and experience the adventure of something new, all for you!

Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Face Reading, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or a distance healing session, or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected].  

Learning Tools and Techniques To Develop Your Psychic Abilities Workshop in Fort, Collins CO

Join Ann Bibbey for this fantastic workshop in Fort Collins, Colorado!

“Learning Tools & Techniques To Develop Your Psychic Abilities”
When:  Sunday, November 9th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location:  333 W. Drake Rd. #32 Fort Collins, CO 80526
Cost: $150/per person

Ann Bibbey - Learning Tools & Techniques To Develop Your Psychic Abilities Workshop in Fort Collins, COGuided Meditation connects you to your higher self, heightens self-awareness and improves overall health and well-being.

Silencing the mind – how to get out of your own way.

Chakra exercises – photo blink, yoga eye exercise, color meditation, third-eye exercise and tune-ins with each other.

Clairvoyance – discussion and exercises to bring more clarity to our internal pictures.

Communicating with Guides – how we receive and decipher messages for ourselves and others through our Spirit Guides.

Tarot Cards – how to use Tarot cards as a tool to help convey and validate messages from Spirit.

To register, contact Ann at [email protected], call (970) 672-8810, or click here to register and pay online.

Reiki Level III Class in Fort Collins, CO

Thanks to the wonderful participants in my Reiki Level III class which was held Saturday, September 27th.

We now have a few more amazingly gifted Reiki Masters blessing the Universe!  And an enormous thank you so much for assisting me Dez Shallenberg – I am honored to work alongside of you!

Interested in taking a Reiki Class in the future?  Click here to learn more and find my schedule of classes.


Avoidance Is Never The Answer

Avoidance Is Never The Answer - Ann Bibbey BlogThere is no doubt that we have all (at some point) experienced emotional trauma, pain or loss. Many of us have had our hearts broken wide open. These are opportunities that have been handed to us to change, heal and do things differently. I am not talking about when we “bulldoze” through these times and never deal with them. If we go this route we will never grow through pain. We will continue with the same defunct inner programs and unhealed parts, and continue attracting and experiencing the same pain, angst, and disappointments in life.

If we really own and look at these opportunities we realize there is no other option other than to deal with our disowned parts and heal because we are not going to be able to get back on our feet and create a great and meaningful life unless we do. And no “other person” or the “next relationship” will do this for us. We ourselves must do the work. This is a wonderful thing! Because when the fear of staying the same becomes greater than the fear of changing we are in the perfect position to take responsibility, be with our pain, heal our inner programs and unfinished childhood business, and transform into the individual and life we really want to be.

If we avoid doing this, we don’t have this opportunity. We are not being true to ourselves and will live a false existence. And without fail, life will inevitably deliver more of the same (in different ways) painful unhealed programs as disappointing and painful experiences. It’s the cycle of attraction. We receive what we put out there and it’s something that can perpetuate throughout an entire lifetime if we don’t change it.

It’s time to shift our perception as it’s the only way to feel complete freedom and begin a journey of authentic happiness, peace and joy!

Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected]

My 50th Birthday and a Tribute to my Wonderful Clients & Friends

My beautiful sister & I.I am forever grateful to have met and shared in the journey of so many beautiful people. You have all touched and enriched my life in endless ways.

When I came into this work at the end of 2007 I was in a place of complete transition. My Mom had passed away two years prior and I had ended an 18 year relationship with my now ex-husband. I was extremely vulnerable and really wanted to heal. I was also uncertain about my future and knew I wanted to be doing something completely different. I have been intuitive my whole life and wanted to serve in a healing way. I had been through some of life’s most painful lessons and thought teaching and guiding others would to be an important piece of my path. I just didn’t know what that looked like. I spent a couple of years immersing myself in meditation, prayer, spiritual books, hiking and walking in nature with my dog. I was working as a substitute teacher and did some retail management while taking Craniosacral Therapy classes, Reiki classes and participated in various workshops in the metaphysical realm.

At the beginning of 2010 I took a huge leap of faith. I left the corporate world behind along with a few relationships that weren’t serving me. My whole life changed. My practice grew immediately and I have been blessed ever since. I have also done a tremendous amount of personal healing and have experienced a great deal of spiritual growth. It has been both painful and joyful. I have to say it’s been a wonderful ride and I am looking forward to more of it. I am excited to move forward to the next level of my practice and my work in general. I have some new things coming so stay tuned!

Turning 50 years old on the 28th of this month feels very liberating. I am in such a peaceful place and really comfortable with who I am. It was such a gift to be able to celebrate and honor so many amazing clients and friends on my special day. Another piece that made it even more special was having my sister there. She and her family have moved back to Colorado and I couldn’t be more pleased. I love having her home!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. What lovely souls you are. It is a privilege to be able to watch your love and light shine and see you share your beautiful gifts with the world. With the deepest and most sincere appreciation I love and thank you ALL!

Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected]

The Joy and Pain of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth - Ann Bibbey BlogWe often spend many years staying caught up in old thoughts & patterns of belief, with old tapes and stories running through us. We take these on as a part of us and “accept” them…even hold on to them because we know them, they are familiar. Even if they do not serve us on any level, we believe that they belong to us and that they are “ours.” We will actually long for them even when we’ve cleared them. The stories we tell ourselves and the inner dialogue we engage in is endless.

Shifting & changing this is not an easy journey and can be extremely painful. We must become intensely honest with ourselves and yearn for the life we know deep in our soul we deserve and must change things in order to be there. Often times we will take two steps forward and 10 back in the process. But for every struggle, every set-back we discover who we are on a deeper level and must be grateful for these struggles as they are opportunities & experiences that lead us to who we really are and who we want to be, NOT who we were told we are.

Challenges serve us in being the greatest version of ourselves. It is actually the biggest set-backs, the hardest struggles that are the exact experiences that force us to be greater than we’ve ever been before! The beauty is that when we reach the other side of these shifts in life, knowing we had hope & faith and asked for help along the way it gets easier. We are able to surrender and be in a place of peace & realize we can trust in the master plan & “allow” ourselves to listen to our inner guidance and discover why we are here.

There is nothing more beautiful than the transformation that occurs when we “let go”, do the inner work and show the world the very essence of who we are…our authentic self!

Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected]

A Gallery: Intuitive Workshop in Fort Collins, CO

What a wonderful afternoon at my “Powerful & Effective Ways To Enhance Your Intuition Workshop” in Fort Collins.   We truly had a powerful and highly intuitive group.  Thank you to everyone who participated.  It was a lot of fun and I appreciate each and everyone of you!   Oh, and check out the lovely orb in the mirror!

Here’s what this workshop consisted off:

  • Guided Meditations: I guided the participants through an open eye meditation. We will also did a few different guided meditations; all to heighten Self-Awareness.
  • Intuitive Exercises: Participants explored their intuitive gifts through various exercises. This included Psycometry as well as “tune-ins” with each other.
  • Tarot Cards: We learned how to read various card spreads as well as practiced readings on each other.
  • Open Discussion: Q&A about all that we learned and I answered questions.

All future workshops and classes can be found on my calendar here.

Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected]

Start Your Reiki Journey in Fort Collins, CO

Are you interested in beginning your Reiki journey or simply wanting to gain the basic tools to use Reiki in your everyday life? Then join me for a Reiki I class! After this class, you will have the gift of doing Reiki on yourself, others, plants, animals and it’s a wonderful tool to use in all life situations!

If your goal is to begin your journey towards being a Reiki Master, this is the first class needed in the series. To learn more about all my Reiki Classes, click here and to view up my upcoming class schedule , click here.

Classes are held on certain Saturdays in Fort Collins from 9:30am to 3:00pm. To register, please contact me via email at [email protected], call (970) 672-8810, or register online here: http://www.annbibbey.com/pay-register-online/form.

Learn Reiki in Fort Collins, CO : Ann Bibbey Blog